
Monday, May 2, 2011

Oatmeal Cookie Smoothie

As I mentioned the other day, I’m trying to branch out from my tropical green smoothie and recently discovered and fell in love with the Banana Chamomile Morning Smoothie. The nice thing about that one is that the almond milk has a little more staying power than just spinach and fruit so I’m not already starving when I've only just gotten to work.   My other breakfast favorite - oatmeal - sure does the trick but due to some recent dental work, I'm avoiding it for the time being (all those nuts, raisins, flax seeds, and oats sure do stick in my teeth!)

I started to look for other almond milk-based recipes and that’s when I came upon the mother of all smoothies – the Oatmeal Cookie Smoothie.  Talk about the best of both worlds!  It has all the deliciousness of my beloved oatmeal in a no-chew, cold and creamy smoothie.  Paired with a piece of toast*, this breakfast keeps me satisfied until lunch.  

*Note that I have over 6 hours between breakfast and lunch without time for a snack.  If you're able to eat again sooner than 6 hours, you might be satisfied with just the smoothie.

Oatmeal Cookie Smoothie


1 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk
2 tbsp. raisins
3 tbsp. old-fashioned rolled oats (I use Bob's Red Mill Gluten-Free)
1 tsp. cinnamon
½ tsp. ginger
¼ tsp. nutmeg
Splash of vanilla extract (optional)
Agave, to taste
1 scoop of VEGA Whole-Food Smoothie Infusion, or other protein powder (optional)
1 cup ice
1 banana, cut into chunks and frozen


1. Combine all ingredients except for the banana and ice the night before.  Let sit in the fridge over night.
2. In the morning, combine the almond milk mixture, frozen banana, and ice and blend until smooth.

Makes 1 large serving.


  1. This smoothie is the perfect start to the day....tastes great, refreshing and best of all, good for what ails you.

  2. That looks DELICIOUS!
    Kristen @
