Last Saturday I ran my fastest 10k ever. As I mentioned in my post about the race, my initial motivation to run fast was the new Fall and Halloween soaps waiting for me from Cellar Door Soap Co. Yes, I was pouring on the speed for soap! (And for a 1st place medal, if possible. But that would be icing on cake!)
My second favorite is probably the Pumpkin Butter, which has both pumpkin and apple scents. The Lavender Pumpkin surprised me. I am not a big fan of lavender so I wasn't sure how I would like it but this one is amazing! Smell it and you'll agree. I think this will be the first hand soap for us. Last but certainly not least is the Chai Latte. I'm sure you've had a chai latte drink so I don't have to describe how this one smells. Wait a minute - I've never had a chai latte! So in case you're wondering, this one has cinnamon, clove, nutmeg, ginger, vanilla, and (since it's Fall) pumpkin. Mmmmm!
I can't decide if I like Zombie Repellent or Pumpkin Head better. I think they tie for second favorite. Pumpkin Head mixes pumpkin and cinnamon so it's spicier than the Fall pumpkin soaps. I really like this one! Zombie Repellent has a musky woodsy scent but it's not overwhelmingly spicy. I would consider it pretty neutral. Just a great soap with a kick-ass name. Last up are Witches Brew and Wolfsbane, which I think are both a little more gentlemanly. Witches Brew has balsam and patchouli and Wolfsbane has anise and herbs, giving it a subtle licorice scent. Brian will smell very nice.
There you have it - 10 new soaps added to my collection! (Yes, I bought 10 bars in one day. No judgment, please.) I can't wait to use each and every one of them. If you have a chance, check out Cellar Door Soap Co. and see what Fall and Halloween soaps are left. They're going fast!
BTW, my niece now calls me "Auntie Soap!"
What is your favorite Fall scent?
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