Friday, May 25, 2012

Countdown to Tough Mudder - 22 Days


No, we haven't been slacking this week!  We DID meet again Monday for another Tough Mudder training session at the park.  I just haven't gotten around to posting about it until today.  It's been one of those weeks... 

Strength-wise, we did much of the same stuff as last week - monkey bars, slides, railings, push-ups, etc.  However, the theme of this week's training session was "Free Your Mind."  We were trying to tackle things that were outside of our comfort zones.  

Such as jumping the fence around the baseball field.  I was perfectly content to climb it.  That I can do just fine.  But to prep for those Berlin Walls, what we really have to work on is taking a running leap and jumping so your feet are halfway up the fence and your hands are on top of the fence.  BOTH hands.  The higher the initial jump, the better off you'll be.  My running leap finally got me so that my right hand was on top of the fence but no matter how many times I tried, my left hand always just seemed to hang limply at head-height.  Andy was NOT pleased.  Again and again I tried but every time it was the same.  Finally he let me give it a rest.  Maybe next time I'll tie my right hand behind my back.

Then we found a pull-up bar on one of the playgrounds that became quite a fascination for us all. We were each determined to get our whole bodies up on top of it one way or another.  Scott kept hopping up there like it was nobody's business, while the rest of us kept falling off.  (And while this IS a child's playground we were not using it the way it was intended so no judgement, please.)

Finally, I tried something different and with a little butt-push from Erica I was up.  Wahoo - teamwork!  Then she climbed the pole it was attached to and got up all by herself.  Super impressive!  Haikel managed it also the same way.  Score!  So it was just Andy left to conquer the pull-up bar.  Well, and me, technically, since I did it with a butt-push.  I still need to go it alone.  (Thanks, Andy, for bursting my bubble.)  I tried climbing the pole and that was really super hard.  So now I have both the fence AND the pull-up bar.  Argh.  We'll get 'em next week, Andy.

Oh, there was a pretty funny moment when Andy insisted on a team-building exercise that resulted in me being hoisted - and consequently lodged in - a tree.  When he realized that I was potentially stuck in said tree he went running away for his own safety until I could be safely removed.  Which I was.  No hard feelings. 

Next up will be trail-running at Maybury State Park on Monday.  Uh oh!  Lots of trees at Maybury.  I think it's Andy's turn to go in the tree . . .

Read previous "Countdown to Tough Mudder" posts - 34 Days, 30 Days

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